Our Vision
Regal Grange has a primary objective to invest in and manage worthwhile investments, which are profitable, useful, and of value to shareholders.
Our key focus
Regal Grange is focused on the investment, development and ownership of innovative companies.
With operations in Europe, Asia, USA, Australia and New Zealand, and investments / partnerships with acclaimed agri solutions developers globally, we are constantly searching for opportunities that complement and enhance our ability to develop profitable relationships.
A key focus of the Group is ensuring that each of our divisions delivers strong management capability that is accountable for strategy development and execution, as well as day-to-day operational performance.
Each division is overseen by a divisional board of directors or steering committee that includes the
Regal Grange Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer and is guided by a Group-wide operating cycle and governance framework.
Current global investments include innovative companies in the agricultural sector, delivering real world solutions in the provision of vegetable seed, seed applied technologies, and sustainable water solutions through unique intellectual property.
Regal Grange has attracted good people, who with their combination of technical knowledge, practical skill and affinity for customers, have made a difference.
We take pride in maintaining a strong cultural value which transcends our companies, and is reflected in our partnerships and business practices.
The Regal Grange corporate team is based in Melbourne and Perth, and provide oversight on corporate, financial, legal, administrative, marketing and information services to the wider Group.
Our guiding principles
The Regal Grange business model reflected in our business plans is focused on our value-creating strategies, key enablers, and core values which are directed at achieving the Group’s vision.
Our core values and culture
Our culture defines who we are. It sets forth the aims and principles of our Group. Our success is based on shared values and the commitment of the people building our companies for the future. We do this by developing new technologies, products, ideas, discovering innovative ways of doing things, and building strong relationships with our research collaborators, customers and supply partners.
We value honesty and integrity – integrity is our guiding principle in all aspects of business. We instil the highest ethical standards demonstrating honesty and fairness by striving to enhance and protect our reputation, and by accepting accountability for our performance.
We encourage an entrepreneurial spirit – our teams take initiative by using creative skills to pursue new and innovative ways of delivering real value for our customers.
We put family first – our Group has evolved from a family business, and we take that heritage and responsibility seriously.
We are customer focused – we respect and care for our customers.
We have a positive attitude – our companies are a place for passionate, creative people who demonstrate a positive attitude.
Excellence – this individual trait defines how successful we will be collectively.
We value leadership – we encourage leaders who meet the legitimate needs of our organisation, who are valued, and supported to be strong, firm and fair. We believe the foundation of leadership is not power, but authority, which is built upon relationships, love, service, and sacrifice.
We care about others and the environment around us – we get involved with our community, we honour the rights of our fellow human beings, we treat others with the highest degree of dignity, equality and trust.
We laugh – we believe humour is essential for success. We enjoy each other’s company, celebrate together and value open and clear communication.